
Wolf Maps (Chamber of Commerce: 82558825) hereby grants you access to wolfmaps.com and invites you to purchase and/or view the products offered. Wolf Maps reserves the right to modify or remove content at any time without prior notice.

Limited Liability

Wolf Maps makes every effort to keep the content of wolfmaps.com as up-to-date and complete as possible. Despite this care and attention, it is possible that the content is incomplete and/or incorrect.

The materials offered on wolfmaps.com are provided without any form of guarantee or claim to accuracy. These materials can be modified at any time without prior notice from Wolf Maps.

Specifically, for prices and other information about products on wolfmaps.com, we make a reservation for obvious programming and typographical errors. You cannot claim an agreement with Wolf Maps based on such errors. Wolf Maps can never accept liability for hyperlinks to websites or services of third parties included on wolfmaps.com.

All intellectual property rights concerning these materials belong to Wolf Maps. Copying, distribution, and any other use of these materials is not permitted without written permission from Wolf Maps, except and only insofar as otherwise stipulated in mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless otherwise indicated in specific materials.


This disclaimer may change from time to time.

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This disclaimer is available in multiple languages. The Dutch text prevails in case of any discrepancies between the Dutch version and a version in another language.